Our Artists
Artist: Abilene Sky
Abilene Sky Artist Bio/Statement Abilene Sky (Jessie Kastner) is of Chiricahua Apache...
Artist: Ann Watcher
Life in Color Creating a visual experience is my inspiration for painting....
Artist: Berlin Randall
BERLIN RANDALL ARTIST STATEMENT One day I left the corporate world...
Artist: Brenda Orcutt
2024 Bio - Brenda OrcuttFor many years Brenda Orcutt has painted using...
Artist: David E. Rowell
BioDavid E Rowell has always had an interest in photography. He studied...
Artist: Gail Sauter
I’ve lived for extended periods of time in Italy, England and Japan,...
Artist: Holland Van Gores
Artist: Jackson Hammack
As a child there are two things that stand in my memory...
Artist: Jane Susinka
I use archival bookbinder’s board, a sharp knife, and pH neutral adhesive...
Artist: John Davis Held
Artist Statement - John Davis Held In his many travels, John Davis...
Artist: Judson Guérard
Judson Guérard Artist StatementWe each find aspects of ourselves in our work....
Artist: Julie Guy
JULIE GUY BIOGRAPHY Julie Guy is a distinguished Landscape Designer and Consultant...
Artist: Kady Hendrix
KADY HENDRIX ARTIST BIO Kathleen Griffin Hendrix, better known as Kady, is...
Artist: Marilyn Bailey
MARILYN BAILEY ARTIST BIO Marilyn Bailey is a metalsmith artist known...
Artist: Matt Tommey
I grew up in the deep south - Columbus, Georgia to be exact...
Artist: Meryl Lefkovich
MERYL LEFKOVICH BIO I am a self-taught artist based in Asheville, NC....
Artist: Nan Davis
Nan DavisI gloriously spread paint across a blank canvas communicating myawe with...
Artist: Rebecca Kahrs Willis
Rebecca Kahrs’ unique paintings feature vibrant color and originality in style. From...
Artist: Rebecca Scott
Rebecca is a dedicated paper artist with a strong passion for teaching....
Artist: Steven Segal
STEVEN SEGAL ARTIST STATEMENT I've been weaving for about 20 years. My...
Artist: Theresa Reuter
Theresa Reuter I realized at some point that I was motivated to...
Artist: Trisha Townsend
Several years ago, I was pursuing an accounting degree when a...
Artist: Wendy Kay Designs
WENDY KAY DESIGNS ARTIST BIO Wendy Kay Designs is family team of...
Artist: Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson Artist Statement/Bio I am a ceramic artist from North Carolina,...
Artist: Aventina-Spencer
AVENTINA-SPENCER GOLDSMITHS AND DESIGNERS From a private Georgian residence nestled in...
Artist: Barbara Fryefield
Barbara Holmes Fryefield has been honing her skills in fine art for...
Artist: Bob Gomez
Bob Gomez Bob Gomez, from Cedar Mountain NC, has been a cabinet...